I experienced my first Astros game yesterday. We got the invite to the game by some of Kenny’s friends, Joe and Johanna, who had some extra tickets. After K got home from work we loaded up in the car and drove down town to Minute Maid park.
First of all, there are so many cool buildings in this area of Houston. Lots of cool photo opportunities. We got there about half hour before it was time for the game to start so we walked to this bar call B.U.S for a couple brewskies.
It was the quintessential sports bar. The walls were covered in sports memorabilia and there were shuffle boards and pool tables galore. I was asking all about the Astros. What’s the Mascot? Astronauts. Are they good this season? They’re 2nd to last. Were they ever good? They went to the world series in ‘05.
So after spending six dollars a beer at B.U.S, we made our way over the the stadium. We walked in through this cool entrance that took us through a bar so we took advantage and grabbed another beer to avoid the lines inside the stadium. After walking to our seats we decided it was time for some stadium food. I'd been thinking about a getting good hot dog as soon as I found out we we’re going to a game so that was what we did! And it was soooo good.
I got a star dog and Kenny got the Super Star dog (foot long). We loaded it up with chopped onion, pickle relish. jalapeno relish, mustard and ketchup. It did not disappoint. I’m craving another one just writing about it. Its hard to beat a ball park hot dog!
As far as the game went. The ‘stros didn’t do so bad. When we left in the 7th inning they were ahead 6-0. I guess they just needed a good luck charm in the audience.